Click on any image to see an enlargement.

The mighty Ohio as seen from the bridge.

Looking towards Indiana and the falls of the Ohio.

The Indiana shoreline and Jeffersonville.

The flood brought out a flood of people.

A city shaken by Mother Nature.

It flows on to the Mississippi and the Gulf of Mexico.


home | production notes

The debris and damage left behind from the The '97 Flood will be visible for years to come. Basement flooding from overworked storm drains took a terrible toll all over the area. The river level began falling shortly after these images were captured Friday, March 8th, and within hours this web site was "live".

To give you an idea of how this site was created, here are some production facts (historical note: this site was produced in the earliest days of the graphically enhanced Internet, the day before anything was published "fast".)

Shot 64 low-resolution images with the Olympus D-300L.
Downloaded to hard drive and edited to 36 total images.
With Photoshop 4.0 on a Macintosh a 2" 5-bit (32 colors) thumbnail GIF (about 7k),
and a 24-bit (millions / colors) 5" JPEG (between 15-20k) was created for each image.
A simple template page using B.B.Edit 4.0.3 for the thumbnails and another one for the JPEGS was created.
The 2 pages were duplicated and the images & links werechanged for each. A total of 41 HTML pages.
Uploaded to server and rechecked links.
Total size of document on server: about 1 MB.

My heart goes out to those who suffered
as a result of the rains and flooding
the first week of March, 1997 (myself included).

the janitors of shadowland